/ fatlute Introduction

Sludge is a mixture of grease, dirt, dust, and other impurities.

/ fatlute process

┊ Materials to prepare: hand board clay, moulds, tools, etc.

┊ Making molds: To make molds according to your needs, materials such as silica gel, gypsum can be used for molds.

┊ Mixed sludge: Mix the A and B components of the handplate sludge evenly in a certain proportion.

┊ Fill the mold: Fill the mixed sludge into the mold, taking care to fill the mold and exclude air bubbles.

┊ Stripper: After the sludge has cured, the stripper takes out the sludge model.

┊ To Trim the mud model: Use tools such as knives to trim the mud model to the desired shape and size.

┊ Surface treatment: The clay model can be surface treated, such as sanding, painting, etc., to make it more beautiful.

/ fatlute technology advantages

┊ Good plasticity: Shapes can be easily shaped and modified in a range of temperatures to meet the creative needs of designers for complex shapes.

┊ Higher precision: Finer details and smooth surfaces can be produced.

┊ Reusable: When not fully cured, it can be reheated to soften and shaped again.

┊ Stability: It can maintain the stability of the shape at room temperature and is not easy to deform.

producing department